Tier System Edition of SCP - Resources

Recommended Downloads

Athletic Based Strength Training Manual

Download Joe Kenns book on the Tier System, what it is, how it works, and using it to create a training program.

Tier System Excel Templates & Programs

Download various Tier System excel files, templates, programs and more.

NFL Combine Training - Tier Based Template

Steve Olsons personal NFL Combine training program based on the tier system - using the approach of Tiers in both the exercise and set rep selection. Also includes both articles on programming for the NFL Combine.

Tier Program Builder - Excel File

Use this file to help create a framework for building a tier program!

Tier Primer - A MUST READ!

A primer file on using the tier system.

Listen to my interview with Joe Kenn about the Tier System!

Watch Joes Introductory Tier System Seminar from 1/19

Live Zoom Calls with Joe Kenn

Call 1 -

February 9th, 2023

Call 1 -

March 16th, 2023 - 7pm

Tier System - Videos