Release 2.02


Huge update this week!

We have released the following features:

  1. Survey Thresholds & Notifications – now you can edit surveys to set a “threshold”, and tie that threshold to a notification.  If you want to know every client that answered “yes” to a specific question, or who answered 8 or above on another question, now you can do that directly with our surveys and notifications.
  2. Draft Programs – Never accidentally lose a program again! If you click off a screen, all changes made to your program will stay visible.
  3. Add athletes without email addresses – Don’t need to give your clients access to the program, and just wnat to print PDF? Simple – you don’t need to enter an email anymore!

In addition, we have fixed the following bugs:

  1. Ability to delete athletes and re-add them with the same email
  2. Measurements showing without refresh

Here is a video displaying our new features. Enjoy 🙂

About the author 

Steve Olson, MS, CSCS

Steve is a strength and conditioning coach, gym owner, and founder and CEO of Strength Coach Pro. Prior to founding SCP, Steve owned Excel Training Designs, a company created to help coaches better learn and use Excel for programming. Steve also owns a strength and conditioning gym in Cary, NC, and has his bachelors and masters in Exercise Science.

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